
We have some winners! Rachel T., Julie T, Graham Strong, Carrie Wildman, and Becky, as well as new Facebook friends Dana R., Teresa S., and Rachael C. (I couldn't leave just one of you out), please send me your addresses (  if I don't have them already, and I'll get copies of Lilith in the mail to you. In recycled envelopes, because of the trees (and because today is Tu B’shvat, when we’re supposed to be thankful for them). My seventh birthday party fiasco has been redeemed: collectively, you (with the possible exception of my father) are better than years of therapy. In closing, I will leave you with a few more thoughts on naming and identity, culled from overheard today in our car:

Susan: (trying to distract stroppy children in the backseat) Hey, if you guys had kids, what would you call them?

Isaac: I would have two kids, and I would call them Susan and Rachel.

Susan and Rachel, in unison: Awww.

Rowan: And I would name them Diarrhea and Butthead.

Sorry. It's late. I'm tired. Mazel tov. That is all.